Bell Ringers

The bells at Wincanton are ringing again after falling silent from October 2023 until January 2024 as repair works were carried out to the Tower Roof. Bell ringing practice continues on Tuesday evenings in Church.

Sunday Ringing before Church services  10.00a.m. – 10.45a.m.

Practice on Tuesdays in Church 7.30p.m. – 9.00p.m.

Contact our Tower Captain: Janet Lowe on  01963 34965

Are you interested in learning to ring?   

We are always looking for new recruits to help ring our church bells.

Most people have the ability to become a good ringer.

Great physical strength is not required and people of all ages from 12 upwards are welcome.

Bell ringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and keeps you fit – it also makes a glorious sound!

Many consider bell ringing to be their contribution to church life, others do it for the pleasure it brings.

Ringers come from all walks of life, and all ages.

Why learn to ring?

  • A global group of friends
  • Lifelong learning experience
  • A service to the church
  • Team activity
  • A great mental workout
  • Keeping the tradition alive


The origins of change ringing lie in the sixteenth century when church bells began to be hung with a full wheel. This gave ringers control of their bel, which allowed sets of bells to be rung in a continuously changing pattern. Music is created by moving bells up and down the ringing order to a defined sequence of changes, known as a method. Learning a few simple methods allows ringers to join in with other bands in towers all around the world.

Being able to count is all the Maths needed, and you can become a very good ringer knowing nothing about music.

Ringing is well within the capabilities of most people. The initial teaching takes a few weeks, after which a learner can begin to ring with the rest of the band.

We practise here at Wincanton every Tuesday from 7.30pm to 9.00pm and ring before church on Sundays.

Do come and join us – You will be most welcome!